Monday, July 27, 2015

But She Ripped Them Herself! Really!

NO, Amal Alamuddin aka Mrs. George Clooney, you do NOT get to wear shredded, torn jeans like a 1980s punk rock street urchin. I am not offended because you, a high powered British barrister, co-opted the thrift store look of my youth. I am appalled that the HUNDREDS of dollars you certainly paid for those jeans is more than most people's monthly rent. 
Fuck You All!
--Heather, guest blogger

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Will Strip For Food

Driving home tonight I came up to a stoplight on Octavia Street and just outside my driver's side window, on the median, was a homeless guy taking off his clothes. Shirt, pants, undies. Quickly and matter-of-factly. Last of all, off came the socks. The clothes fell rumpled around his feet on the ground... he stood there very briefly, naked and un-afraid,  then started putting it all back on. The light turned green. I continued on.

I turned to the right and caught the eye of a guy in a car next to me. We both started laughing.

Fuck, I love this city.
