Thursday, January 15, 2015

Who Wants a Nice Steaming Box of Dog Shit?

Apparently SOMEONE does because they just stole two packages of it off my front porch.

About a year ago I told my mailman to leave any packages on my porch because I hate having to go to the post office to pick stuff up. He said he didn't recommend it, but I asked him to do it anyway. I hardly ever get packages mailed to my home address but at Xmas time this year, a couple relatives sent some presents. I had THREE packages that I never received. MIA.

This morning I made two "fake" packages and filled the boxes with dog shit. Not just dog shit, but gooey, steaming, smelly dog shit, fresh out of my backyard.

I put them on the porch and walked down the street to get a burrito. I was gone all of 15 minutes, and when I came back the packages were GONE.