Saturday, June 6, 2015

3 Day Diarrhea

Saw this commercial the other night for "3 Day Refresh"... what a load of SHIT. Literally. There is no such thing as losing weight in 3 days. Unless you shit it out. I hate things like this that prey on overweight people's insecurities.

The 3-Day Refresh website boasts:
"A little ice cream here...
an extra slice of pizza there...
and before you know it, your jeans are too tight and you need a quick way to lose a few pounds and get back on track. Or maybe you're just finally ready to start a new weight loss program, and you want to jump into it with total commitment... "

So you buy their packets of fiber and drink some shakes for three days and viola!

NO thank$.


Why spend $$ on this...

When you can buy some of these....


And lose some weight!

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